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Vocational Services

Transition Services ATC

Transition at Adult Training Centers

Transition Services at The Arc's six Adult Training Centers (ATCs) includes a collaborative approach in the pursuit of post-school opportunity and future placement for high school students with disabilities in Ocean County school districts. This process may include hands-on instruction, community based job sampling and social experiences, and development and acquisition of daily living skills, to address post-school learning and working experiences. 

Flexible scheduling is available to best meet individual needs. Case management services are provided to help the student navigate appropriate referral partners at the state level to promote a fluid transition of services upon graduation. Our team is also available to attend planning meetings as requested.

The sending school district is financially responsible for covering the cost of participation as well as transportation to/from the designated agency site. Agency personnel work directly with the school district to establish a contract for services.

For more information contact Emily Stadthaus, ATC Transition Coordinator for Vocational Services at 732-363-3335 x1205 or by email.