Provides customized programming to students with disabilities transitioning out of high school looking for employment and/or vocational, life, and social skills training opportunities.
Transition at Adult Training Centers
Transition Services at The Arc's six Adult Training Centers (ATCs) includes a collaborative approach in the pursuit of post-school opportunity and future placement for high school students with disabilities in Ocean County school districts. Learn more
Learn to Earn
Learn to Earn is a Pre-ETS Paid Internship Program that will provide mentorships, workshops, applied learning activities, and paid work-based internships to qualified individuals with disabilities ages 14-21 in secondary, post-secondary, or other recognized education programs. Learn more
EDGE Program
EDGE (Employment, Development, Guidance, and Engagement) will support both high school and college students who are blind or visually impaired in the transitioning into independent living and career development. Learn more
Who Is Responsible for Transition Services?
Transition planning is a partnership involving students, their families, school personnel, special education, and local community and adult services representatives. Transition is more effective when the student is involved in the process. Involvement gives the student a sense of control over the outcome and a responsibility for carrying out the transition plan. It gives students the opportunity to learn about their strengths and skills and to apply that knowledge in useful ways.